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Ham Radio Deluxe Software® Digital Modes for Amateur Radio Operators

Log FT8 and JT65 QSOs Automatically From WSJT-X, JTAlert, or QSO Relay

Digital Master, formerly “DM-780,” is the all-purpose ham radio digital modes communications package integrated with the Ham Radio Deluxe® suite. It is digital mode software for ham radio most commonly heard on HF.

Digital Master uses your computer’s soundcard interface and radio connection to offer a wide range of communications options to the amateur radio operator.

Digital Master is capable of a wide range of digital modes, including CW, RTTY, SSTV, PSK31, MT-63, and more.

For the CW enthusiast, Digital Master interfaces with the popular K1EL WinKeyer. True frequency shift keying (FSK) and audio frequency shift keying (AFSK) keying are available for RTTY operation.

You can stay on top of the action with Digital Master’s SuperSweeper, allowing you to copy up to 40 QSO’s at once in CW, RTTY or PSK.

Once the QSO is complete, Digital Master interfaces directly with Logbook to record the contact.

Digital Master works with a variety of audio and multi-mode interfaces including the Timewave Navigator, SignaLink USB, and West Mountain Radio RigBlaster.

  • Wide variety of sound card data communications modes (CW, RTTY, QPSK, Contestia, Domino, Hell, MFSK, Olivia, Thor, Throb
  • Waterfall or Spectrum Display
  • SuperSweeper Mode (up to 40 active signals can be displayed)
    • Continually sweeps passband via soundcard.
    • Decodes CW, RTTY & BPSK
  • Adjustable waterfall data
  • PTT control
    • COM port, VOX, TNC or via HRD
  • Integrated with Logbook and Rig Control
  • Macros
  • Integrated with PSK Reporter

Ham Radio Deluxe® DM-780 Videos and Screenshot Images

Here's a video that demonstrates RTTY in FSK mode using Ham Radio Deluxe® DM-780.

Ham Radio Deluxe Digital Modes DM-780

Ham Radio Deluxe® DM-780 Digital Modes Decoding Screen and QSO Logging

Ham Radio Deluxe DM-780 Digital Modes Super Sweeper Screen

Ham Radio Deluxe® DM-780 Digital Modes Super Sweeper Screen

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